Gambling is awesome👍
life is roblox
Damn the realistic graphics are getting out of hand
how thoughtful of Ninty!
You have to stop them from bah bahing to save him. What do you do?
People keep talking about the letter C and a mouse, WHAT DOES IT MEAN!?!?
Another cool Time Magazine cover
Meanwhile, in a different timeline:
If a Mario equivalent to Sonic Generations existed, How would you would you want it to be?
I asked you what Sonic characters had Mario counterparts. Here’s the final chart
A kid gets caught chugging pærmesan
New response just dropped.
Do you prefer Mario and Sonic being rivals or friends?
I’ve just created this funny character. What should I name it ?
If the International Olympic Committee won’t renew their license, then SEGA and Nintendo should just create a new Mario & Sonic sports game without the Olympic branding.
Intense Game ending
Nintendo will.
guys you are not gonna believe this…
There is only one toilet in Lebanon.
Nintendo will announce.
Dose anyone else want to punt a luma like a football
Nowadays this is a hot take
Fake soda cap with Mentos-dropping mechanism