I have chosen depravity
A scrapped panel of a story I probably will never write. I snuck in Loss so at least it's good for karma...
People who are thin, how do you have the ability not to overeat?
What are your thoughts on Justin Timberlake as an artist?
Should the closer or the penultimate song on an album be the grand finale?
What is your heretical music take?
In spite of sone genres and musical elements having comebacks, any of those past styles you don’t miss that should remain in their decade?
1. Gackt is problematic? 2. He's the voice provider for Gakupo?? What is happening.
"My favourite band/artist sucks"
Pleather skirt that was gifted to me by a friend. I only wore it a couple times and it's flaking really badly. Should I invest in a vinyl repair kit or do I just throw it away? I'd really rather avoid that
Nothing wrong happened here...
How often do you all dress up?
Jack Suede from Suede on his way to record Suede, 1993
Any albums from other artists similar to Disintegration?
Which of these lettered sections would you choose to be born in? Where in each section would be completely random.
Flag of Sweden if Jesus was killed by Anthony Fantano
Favourite E.E. song?
Why is the best music always whiny and self-pitying?
Thoughts on The Downward Spiral?
It gets to a point
Hard Facts
It should be illegal to play a drumset in a neighborhood home, townhouse, condo, etc
The “Your dad catches you listening to a song from his youth” starter pack
What do you think of Kate Bush’s debut song Wuthering Heights?
Thought this was Robert about to be a snack