If you're out here deep diving my profile, rethink your life
Why does it seem like high IQ people are often sad and depressed?
Anyone notice an alarming trend these days with sovereign citizens and like minded people in parallel topics?
Found a post of some pathetic rentoids stating they don't tip their kings??? I think I'll have to raise rent 150% (200% for single mothers) to make sure my rentoids don't get such silly ideas
You'll never convince me that brushing your teeth before breakfast is normal
Why do we get "earworms" or songs stuck in our heads?
Do people actually brush their teeth before breakfast?
When all else fails, we double down on what works.
Unhinged behavior
What would actually get in the way of the richest men from creating their own militaries?
No, brushing your teeth before breakfast is NOT normal. Idc how many people I have to fight
Its been about a month since my wife and I last got intimate. Every time I ask she says she's has lumbago or something. What should I do?
Why do women offer advice on here?
ELI5: what is the point of brushing teeth before having breakfast?
Even her charts account couldn’t defend her
In the future everything will be an aster*sk
When will people finally admit this?
Frappuccinos are not coffee
Why is America the only country in the world?
Do you guys just not understand which logo is which or is this some weird joke I don't understand?
Reddit in a nutshell
The 'ol R*ddit special
Hey everyone. Just wanted to make you aware that there is a bot network reposting the "Woman gets scammed by Brad Pitt"
I still don't know who it is, better hope the UK box office can help