At least 5 characters
Как понять что я кому-то нравлюсь?
HP Drain was deemed BALANCED. Day 49 of ranking cards if they are balanced, overpowered or underpowered: Refund!
я боюсь этой кнопки, я нормальный?
No happiness, only suffering
who the FUCK are those
Прошëл селесту. Сколько у вас смертей?
Y'all ever forget you had a specific mod enabled?
Я не смотрю аниме мой дед мусульманин
take a break from the drama and feel my misery
Bro the mod of this sub is not even active (He hasn't even commented in around 3 months 😭)
Люди работающие в общепитах ( бары, рестораны, кофейни, фастфуд), вы портите еду/напитки грубым гостям?
Changing tires.
What is the website for creating configs? What commands can I use to downgrade graphics? What are the commands to quickly change loadouts and place buildings without PDA?
Coordinated snow plow
How can I optimize my build further? (Planning for primary damage dealer)
i bought a property in egypt
Mundfish показала новую Бусу, которая появится в Atomic Heart DLC 3
GFA Games показала адского медведя из игры PIONER.
the caption.
Apple Juice is deemed Weak, Now for Bloxy Cola, tell me if it's Strong, Weak, or Balanced