ANA301 Group Chat for Winter 2025: Who wants to join?
Guys.. what is your gpa if you applied to tmu med school?
What do you think is gonna be the minimum gpa to get an interview in tmu?
How did you feel about your Kira Talent performance
When did you complete your Kira Talent for TMU
TMU Kira Talent Invite/ Regrets
TMU Kira Prep Group
Kira Talent Prep
Lets estimate number of TMU application
Is MATC01 recorded?
TMU Equity Essay Read Separately?
Are ANA301 lectures in the winter semester recorded?
Anyone applying to TMU med this year?
PHLB09 notes for the oral exam?
Hello, I know that this is for MCAT and so on so forth, but I would really appreciate if there’s anyone I can talk to - I’m going through some mental health issues
UTSC drop-in badminton
UofT med interview prep group
MCAT Study Group
Will my late application to the SURE summer research program be approved?
The SURE (summer) research program: late application
Transferring from UTSC life sciences to UTSG engineering