Dar Zuzovsky as Wonder Woman / DCU Fancast
As producers saying mcu gonna reboot post secret wars what about Luke Evans as tony strak post secret wars
Tom blyth as Angel/warren Worthingtonlll fancast for mcu X-men, what do you think
Who is playing muse in daredevil born again
Nicholas alexander Chavez as cyclops/scott summers for mcu x men
Ty burell as commissioner Gordon fancast
Timothee chalamet as Paul rabin
What do you think about it
Mcu sinister six fancast
Sinister six fancast for mcu
Chandler Riggs as Jason Todd / red hood fancast
Brendan sklenear as batcow
Kieran culkin as mad hatter fancast for dcu, what do you think
Who would you cast as Kyle Chandler's Carol Ferris?
Antony starr as reverse flash ?
Paul gimatti as Dr Otto octavius for mcu fancast , what do you think?
Trevante Rhodes as killer croc fancast for dcu , thoughts on this
Batman rogue gallery fancast for dcu
Cyclops and Jean Grey fancast
Who actor would you choose to play Norman Osborn?
X-Men MCU fancast
Alright, so hear me out... Pierson Fode as Batman for the DCU.
Luke Evans as Sebastian Shaw fancast for mcu
Chance Crawford as James Pokemon fancast
Cillain Murphy as charles xavier/professor X for X men fancast