Nehemiah says what happened to Dee was unfair.. MTV was trying to save face, should have used a person who actually displayed racial activity towards minorities as an example
Jemmye responds to Nehemiah, Zach and his co-host Pierre
CT and his girlfriend Catalina now have a megathread 🌳
CT’s recent girlfriend, Catalina Hager, releases a statement regarding their relationship and harassment from fans
CT posts new lovey-dovey reel of Catalina
Cory's Daughter Releases Her Book 📖
CT on his recent girlfriend - "None of it was true and I was quick to judge something I didn't understand."
CT on his ex? girlfriend - “None of it was true and I was quick to judge something I didn’t understand.”
Devin trolls Johnny
Bananas posted this. Any idea what it’s about?
CT is searching for validation, receipts, and comments on his life
Rachel comments on Devin and Michele doing a podcast together
CT apologizes to Catalina
CT’s (now ex) girlfriend says he is not well, denies cheating and being an escort
Theo Shares His Opinion on NATO
CT exposing his ex after she cheated on him
Laurel lost another friend and he denies ever having any romance with her
Beth says Rachel, who bullies women and took naked photos of Tonya, is not a girls girl.
Johnny Bananas trolls Devin
Road Rules alum, Sean Duffy, nominated to serve as Secretary of Transportation
Marie calls out Devin for being a narcissist
Johnny Bananas and Devin comment on JEK/football analogy
Corey reacts to Laurel
Rachel reacts to Laurel
Jemmye responds to Laurel vs. Nurys