Completionist Guide
I've come to the conclusion that Faceoff is another game mode to be swept under the rug to be forgotten at this point
This is so unfair. Key must had spawned on other side of map. Giving opponent team a free win
What happens if we open a KIM message but don't respond for that day?
Turns out the Zariman Benches make for a decent bookcase if you flip and stack them.
Remove mercy finisher objective from Hex bounties
Please just don’t.
Mildly sad this didn't work out how I wanted, and the wiki didn't say anything about the mod not working on companions. I wish there was a little bit of consistency/problem solving text in Warframe without needing to consult outside resources.
Found this gem when I went to open a ticket just now. My first ever support ticket when I started playing.
PSA: KIM Chemistry Ranks & Hex Syndicate Rank Clarification
I am beyond confused
BO2 PS5 trophy “When All Else Fails” hasn’t triggered. Anyone else had this?
If defeating Profit Taker counts for the whole squad. Defeating Void Angels should also count
This scared the sh*t out of me 🤣 (didn’t expect it)
Stop putting Purple shards on 4 spam volt!
yall im about to cry
TIL you can buy the flawed mods in Iron Wake
Archon Hunt needs to have it’s speed adjusted
Soul Reaver 1&2 Remastered: New Game Plus
This can still happen during Netracells (necramite half a map away)
Halloween event 2024
Damn... ANOTHER boss that can't be directly targeted by abilities.
I refuse to fight him normally.
Could we have the Midnight appearance for the PC client
How Many Block Puzzles in Soul Reaver?