Nichts macht mich glücklich
Jobs und Angstzustände?
Always when I'm with people, I get asked if I'm fine
Hab heute Geburtstag und keiner hat mir gratuliert...
Today I had a talk with my dad, where asked me about my future plan, which was fine at first...
Eine Freundin macht Kommentare über mein Gewicht während Sie nur Gewicht verliert durch abnehmspritzen und isst trotzdem jedem Tag Fastfood ist
I'm so ugly and I want to kill myself because of my face
can i use he/they if im cisgender?
Turning 26 in a few days and I really don't want to live anymore
Lost 3 cloth sizes and people gave me still mean comments
I hope that atleast when i'm dying that someone holds me
Turning 26 next week, never had sex besides being r*ped and while I'm in therapy it still makes me sad
I'm just tired.
Which legal options do I have if I want to die?
What can I do when I'm not good enough to be loved but good enough to be assaulted?
Does your family ever put rotten food back in the fridge?
Do you sometimes vanish without saying a thing?
Being a virgin is beginning to really mess with my mind now
Why am I not good enough to be loved, but good enough to be sexual assaulted?
nmom gave me a package of nuts, where used ciggarets was in it
I hope I die this year
I just feel unloved
Bruised knuckle/knuckle out of place?
Touch starved
After years of trying dating apps I deleted all of them.