Government Rates
Top comment changes the map: Georgia has been replaced with Georgia (Day 13)
AITA for refusing to let my neighbor use my driveway after she’s been parking in it without asking?
Update: My neighbor kept parking in my driveway, so I had her car towed
What’s the most awkward situation you’ve accidentally caused because of a technology mishap?
AITA for refusing to let my mother-in-law move in with us after she lost her home, even though we have a spare room?
WIBTA if me and my mom kick my brother out of the house?
Need advice My[18M] girlfriend[18F] doesn’t want to have sex with me what do I do
AITA for choosing to not have children
AITA for refusing to enable my aunts behavior?
AITAH for calling the cops on my girlfriend?
AITAH for telling my brother to clean up after himself
AITA for making house guests relocate?
Anything to help trauma, when you can't afford therapy?
What's a body feature you don't like about yourself?
Trump grabs and pulls Macron's hand for another awkward handshake Saturday in Paris
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Need karma for an unholy reason, will upvote in return.
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