Coming over around Karneval, costume ideas?
How do you call it?
Feb 1st
Whatchyall think? Did Musk really do the N Salute?
Am I too young to be thinking of a game
What we expected vs what we got
AI dub in classical latin
"They live in an echo chamber, don't have self-awareness and they never confront anything that disagrees with them" - Asmongold
If Destiny turns Dark MAGA, do you follow him?
She could have saved him… 😔
In a kinder world...
MMW: They are going to come up again and will try to make every effort to stop peaceful transfer of power in 2029.
I have aged my empire 4 times. Now what?
Day 3: Horrible person - Loved by fans
Trump just incorrectly insisted Spain is a BRICS nation
It's good day for content
Day 2: Morally grey - Loved by fans
New Summoner's Rift ingame music Season 15)
Day 1: Good person - Loved by fans
i cannot make a choice. both are perfect.. which one I should keep and which one I should sell ?
Relating to Women's View of Porn