What do the hairy firefighters do
Next unlock?
Monarch chrysalis never hatched and started morphing into something
Most runs you’ve made in a 24hr shift
Hey yall. New to the area and looking for a dive bar that isn’t a college bar.
MiG-31 Foxhound
Does flying low make a difference?
Question about clubs
An absolute nail biter of a finish to a match. Never give up! Never surrender!
I think this belongs here
What’s your best habit/routine at work?
Im about to hit H7. Which plane, GR3 or MiG-23? Im a fast player, but love me a good dos gun like the MiG, but the medium infrareds look enticing on the GR3
Next unlock ?
Possible leveling issue
least favorite plane??
Which of these planes should I get next. Leaning towards the dart but I played with it.
Update issue
I asked once before but I’ll ask again. Is it generally required (not recommended) to take a shower after fire calls (not wrecks/medical assists) with a small town volunteer dept (not big city paid dept)?
Any tips on tying knots with gloves on?
Never teach your brother how to use console commands