Best friend got me an Aug for my birthday.
How many PMAGs does the PLCE hold?
Boot advice
Let me see your belt kits.
Kia Tasman…it’s an unfortunate day to have eyes
Let’s see your belt kits.
Help with loadout? [AB]
Japanese Paratrooper, Luzon, 1944
Since guys around here seem to dig the TAPS
We have SMERSH at home.
My plce pouches are sagging too low any tips?
Trying something new
Question: DIY painting your equipment
Best camo for this ?
Kit Critique, 48hr sustainment
Just bought some PLCE but dont know where it should sit. Help?
Is the PLCE any good?
What model is this?
Shovel id?
Does anyone know the name of this etool?
I feel like it is finally complete
What's your favorite shortcut?