You need to fight your last saved image, are you surviving?
Mozart of racism
You guys see it?
Buddy can't catch a break
Murk off or ultor
Top comment gets an award. Photo unrelated.
Do badgers even live in Russia?
Comment your last saved image
PotatoZilla - +2d4 Healthpoints, 1kg, can make 10 portions of any potato-related food
hard outfit 🐀⚡⚡
One of my roommates ruined the wok my mom bought for me
Where TF did they find a random guy 😭🙏
Choose for one to leave
The definition of small but mighty
My teacher marked me wrong because Africa is now a country
Push Pop Weapon: +3 ATK, -4 Speed, +17 Swag
bro what
Funny Google translate thing I got (bonus included!)
Name an character more evil the this
On a scale of 1-10
What is this?
The sacred exchange of memes is a grand testament to the wit and wisdom of the digital age, a ritual most esteemed among enlightened minds.