Today, NGO Open Doors released their 2025 World Watch List: "More than 380.000.000 Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith." (plz read comments)
What do you call a dinosaur with haemorrhoids?
The US and British Paratroopers were better than the Fallschirmjäger /German Paratroopers of the Heer and Luftwaffe!
Realistically how hard would it to make a homemade “car”
Ideal Europe
Quick summary of the Japanese imperialist wars
Your country your month pt.2
I only have one cash piece so just pretend they’re making it rain
I thought the flag of the U.S. was too cluttered, so I replaced the 50 stars with a single 50-pointed one.
Oh that's so nice of hi... wait what?!
Who would win this hypothetical war
Map of Japanphobia across the world
I'm Lovin' It!
Propaganda Poster (info in the comments)
My friend is appalled that I sometimes eat Ranch with my scrambled eggs. Are they right?
Tierlist van de vlaggen van de provincies
All Hail Jumbo.
eVeRy FaMiLy NeEdS tO gEt BaCk To ThIs
Fortifying ships on water?
Eli5: Why do humans seems so weak compared to so many other mammals?
Civ 2 will RUIN you (in the best way)
This morning on Wordle. I finally got it in one!