I withdrew 80,000 from this debt liquid fund. Went beyond the 1.25L relief for the year. What are the taxes on this?
Sold off my biggest pain in the a**. My experience in the comments.
We have 109k members.what if we all buy call!!market badhega!!!??
Crores of Unclaimed money in India
What the hell happened today in Bengaluru? Is google maps showing something wrong or is this real?
Japan visa VFS
You wake up and suddenly have the ability to pause time—but only for 60 seconds per day. How do you use it?
Would your 17 year old self be impressed or disappointed with where you are now? Why or why not?
Lost job. Should I cancel SIP ?
Got the fossil watch
Guys please tell it's a scam.. I'm shit scared
Name the Bollywood movie
Millennials, what do you miss and what do you not miss about the house phone a.k.a the Landline?
Guys i know it's KC but hear me out🥹
Caste | How do you live your life knowing people will eventually hate you ?
Which countries are better to move to in 2025 for Indians?
When do you think India will get over casteism?
Need opinion of watch enthusiasts especially of the ladies here. Gifting one of these to my wife for our anniversary.
Ed Sheeran And sincere cops
Oh ok so this is why ya’ll so obsessed with your CIBIL scores.
Got this just.. and damn.. i love it..
Why is it normal to talk rudely with waiters (or similar) in some parts of country?
The 5 biggest stock markets in the world.
Found this letter in my flight in Air India
Guys protect your cars from these 465k people