Moving to Italy
Hows life in north italy, bergamo/brescia area?
Siamese Dream songs to complete
What to expect from 2025 tour?
What was the first slipknot song you listened to
Infinite Dream: Mellon Collie in the style of Siamese Dream
SP Unplugged
Can an Australian find a job in Italy?
What are the worst prejudices you have about Italy?
Does arranged marriages exist in Italy?
Am I missing something or is Australia really dull?
How’s Italy right now?
Female names
Found this once in a lifetime piece at an antique store and couldn’t leave without it.
Italian vloggers r/s in Australia
Sono nato nel posto sbagliato
Is it worth moving to italy from Germany (seeking the greener looking grass on the other side)
Il murales di Maradona a Napoli, con 6 milioni di visitatori, è stato il secondo sito turistico più visitato d’Italia, dopo il Colosseo e prima di Pompei. Inoltre fa rinascere le attività commerciali nei Quartieri Spagnoli
Australians moving to Italy?
Moving to Italy in a Year - no Italian heritage (27F, executive recruiter working in software space)
How was everyone's attempt at getting the ariel le doll
There isnt a thing I dont miss about italy
Best opening lines for stand up comedy?
Just dreaming - attitude in the North towards central Europeans