I’m Still Here Should Win BP
My ranking of all the 2025 BP nominees.
What’s the age gap between the oldest and newest film in your top 4?
Shout out to Flow
What did I do wrong
Is there something I’m missing here?
Actor you don't really care about or find to be impressive,
Best Director & DP duos?
Any Tips?
Am I screwed?
Watched the show and this is my ranking
What in the blue hell did i just come across?!?!
What make a director bad?
Is the komodo still good?
Help recreate the mood of this still
Easiest position in film???
I have to come up with a plot for a short film by tomorrow and I am losing my mind.
What do you put in this thing?
Shooting watches is hard. Any tips on controlling contrast?
I want to recreate this scene for my own creativity. How?
Feedback on this lighting
Upgrading to RED from Sony... justified?
Is Pizza inappropriate as lunch?
Is it considered bad to shoot 2.35:1 without anamorphic lenses?