How would your Favorite bleach character be ranked based on the stand stats from Jojo?
Now that it's been 1 year, which one is the best ? P3FES, P3 Dual, P3P or PR ?
Imagine getting to smell these four 😖
Which team are you on (2021 vs 2023?)
What's your favorite character, I'll start
Is there a ps vita emulator on iPhone?
Is there an iphone ps vita emulator?
Does anyone else load their save and completely forget what they where doing?
How likely is it that we get a p4 remake like p3r
Weekly Question Thread
What would you remove from persona?
What's one thing that makes you like Aizen for who he is?
why is the last commando upgrade locked?
My current favourite bankai, which one is yours?
What anime out of the big three should I watch first?
What's a game when you were younger thousands of people would play but now barely anyone plays it?
I have some questions before buying this SuperCub
Comparison between the most popular top JJK ships in JAPAN vs GLOBAL (western?)
Looking for an action anime that isn’t afraid of a little blood
Need something preferably if the action genre
What’s something you wished happened in bleach
If you were to change one thing about Yuta Okkotsu, what would you change?
Is this guy supposed to be eren from future?
Give me your favorite Stand