What are some anime where the main character tries to hide their secret identity throughout the series?
What is The BEST Anime opening?
Looking for ecchi recommendations
Thought Provoking anime suggestions?
Looking for a more serious show based off my favorites
Looking for something fairly mature, and long to get into.
Which one should I watch first?
Here are 5 animes I've been wanting to watch. Which one should I Start with?
Comedy anime suggestions
If you could erase an anime from your memory to experience it again, which one would it be? (I'll definitely watch yours!)
what is causing this?
What anime did you guys enjoyed that's in my 'plan to watch' list?
Based on my favorites what should I watch next?
What’s an anime I’d like based on my top 10?
Any dumb-fun anime I can watch?
Any anime recommendations?
Best "Old" Anime That You've Seen?
Do people actually like to your eternity?
I’m depressed give me anime to watch.
Wild anime?
What anime (shows + films + Manga) do you think would fit my style? More details about my taste in the description
anime with insanely good writing pls
Based on my tierlist, what completed anime's would you recommend me to check out?
Which one do I play first