How did women end up getting oppressed and put on a lower pedestal, across almost all cultures and religions in the world?
Warning: Stay Away from Singapore
Do you think it’s rude to use speakerphone or play videos on your phone in public?
Is it possible to live life without a relationship?
I invented the phrase "No shit, Sherlock" when I was 10 years old
“Fake & gay”: why is it the default expression of contempt in many online spaces?
I hate the fact that having children, essential for the stability of a country, is the most difficult thing to do, which will lead countries to desertification and mass abandonment.
I want to become Christian
Study: Both men and women overestimate how masculine or feminine the other gender envisioned the most attractive face. Men thought women preferred more masculine faces than they actually did, and women believed men preferred more feminine faces than they did in reality.
What's your deepest darkest secret?
It is embarrassing to be a left-wing male
Everybody cancelled on my son's birthday party tomorrow
Male animals usually had to be the majestic/beautiful ones to entice the female -- what happened to human males and why is it the opposite dynamic?
It's sad people won't even realise what love is.
What is a high value woman?
Q4M: Why are you not hypergamous?
Do you support the death penalty? And do you support Luigi?
Turning 40 Changes the Game, But Here's How to Win It
What is the general consensus on the Twin Perfect take of TP?
If you could relive your 20s what would you do differently?
Is it bad that I find the Return somewhat funny?
Why didn't the Wildlings raid Craster's Keep? [Spoilers MAIN]
(spoilers main) You are Theon. You arrived at Pyke with Robb's offer but it was rejected. What is your next step?
Struggling with virtues
Who were the mysterious headlights in Part 18?