Hi! This is my 7th day playing this game. What do you think?
Block 3, Luzifon Water Systems
Theotown hard difficulty feature suggestion
Someone'd better give dude a ride
Gavril Square, Block 2, Luzifon.
Hi guys! Why is my Culture index is always at 50%?
Hi guys! Can I have your opinions on Question 14?
Me watching the pv:
Help needed
English is so hard..
Is the the correct use of cooked?
Hi guys! How can we distinguish separable and inseparable phrasal verbs?
Is this sentence ambiguous?
He caught something
...paintings is/are a part of....
"It was Jane whom I admire the most" why is it "admire" instead of "admired"?
Ah yes. Reddit ads on reddit
What is the comment trying to say?
Why does "It is you who are wrong" sound fine, but "It is I/me who am wrong" suddenly sound unnatural? Which one is correct?
That bedboard seems dangerous...
What sentence do you think is written correctly?
Your highest upvoted post decides your tier
Did any starfleet captain ever refuse to answer a hail from someone?
I don't know, I don't read DC
Oh hell nah