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Exploring migration options. Back-to-basics HA install type questions.
Why do we read about so many Demon Possessions in the Bible
There’s a fair chance of Trump being the Antichrist
Is It Safe To Consume Expired Gochujang?
To all those who have battled long and hard with Zigbee2MQTT V2+ changes, coming through alive and stronger for it - I salute you. And to all those who have fallen by the wayside, your sacrifice will not be in vain and we will remember you.
Breaking down power consumption by days/months in HA Dashboard. How?
Will the beast literally have 40 heads, or is this a metaphor. Will the beast appear to have a normal human form?
is witches against the bible?
Is reincarnation actually real?
Newbie problem. Why does my bread collapses?
Demon of lust make me sick. Brain fog
First Time soldering anything, how cooked am I?
Baby Gabriel
Do you tithe 10%?
Do Christians actually talk to god
Help! This device won’t stop playing music, and it’s driving our apartment mad! It’s a musical birthday candle thing. How can we get it to stop playing music?
Random BSODs happening. Just passed Memtest86 with 0 errors. What's next?
Palit 980 TI Jetstream | Fuse blows everytime
Learning how to diagnose electronically?
Following Jesus feels impossible
How can I keep my bread soft and moist?
So got a movie subscription and worried about the shows I've been watching
Exodus historical evidences
1 Year since coming to Jesus and being set free