Vraag: Hoe democratisch is China?
Why are most critiques against anarchism so bad?
France and Political Circus - name a more iconic duo
Rechtse politici: 'de media is een links bolwerk!' De media:
First new build starts up but gives black screen.
Links-Rechts: Meerderheid Nederlanders zitten toch nog steeds in het midden? Ik heb voor mezelf een aantal politieke thema's op een rijtje gezet en de meningen samengevat over links-midden-rechts. Mijn beeld is dat het midden in Nederland nog steeds de meerderheid is.
Mayo is no joke
Bastard Awards 2024: Day 4: The Ding Dong Award
Were 'Grammar Nazis' a thing of the past? Any historic examples?
Why does Ataturk have a relatively clean image outside of Turkey even though he was involved in ethnic cleansing and genocide (Armenians, Greek, Kurdish, etc.)?
The youth and people of the village of Filo, affiliated with Kobanî, responded to the call of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and joined the mobilization against Turkish-occupation.
bureaucracy, ethnic cleansing nah its just capitalism at its finest YEEEEEEEEHAWWWWWW
The crew of The Japanese carrier Zuikaku give one final Banzai cheer before the ship sinks, 1944
Good ideas, horrific execution
Historical Figure alignment chart
"Conservative Left" in Nederland?
Smug Agendapost 13: the difference between direct democracy and anarchism is entirely semantic but some of yall aint ready to hear that
Bastard Suggestion: Nayib Bukele, The de-facto dictator of El-Salvador
Can anyone identify this man? I feel like I’ve seen him before but his name/position is escaping me
Katy perry is the first artist in the world to make twitter defend Ed sheeran
Religious Diversity in Lebanon
Religious diversity.
Literally Evan Kelmp from Misfits and Magic via 1st season
Tweede Kamer wil verbod op gezichtsbedekkende kleding bij demonstraties
Palestijnse watermeloen leidt tot ophef in Tweede Kamer, dit is wat het betekent