Is it hard to work with other black people??
Any recommendations on how to make my hair look better?
Movie buffs (or not) familiar (or not) with American History X?
What The Actual Florida?
Florida police handcuff and point gun at toddler and her mother.
Would greatly appreciate any feeedback!
What’s the pettiest thing you won’t forgive a celebrity for?
Would it be problematic for my white friend to dress as michael jackson?
What do you all think about brown people (Indians) using the N-word? I've met quite a few Indian guys who casually say it and when I call them out, they argue that it's not racist because they're brown and can say it
How do old people keep their marriage for so long?
Why are Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, been so completely silent about what’s happening in the US?
WIBTA if I told my sisters boyfriend of her cheating?
Something’s not adding up here
Did you use to get Spanking for Choosing your own religion.
If it's not like this, I don't want it
How on guard (or not on guard) are you when you meet a new white person?
Should I get a perm or a texturizer?
What's with the Chef Hats?
Update: AITAH for sterilizing myself against my partner’s wishes
I don't know the law, but is this okay in Tampa?
Anyone know why this happens and how I can stop it?
What's something that is more traumatizing that most people think?
I reported a student for saying only black kids shouldn’t burn
Do you think American Traditional tattoos look racist?
How many times you poop on an average in a day?
Atheists who used to be religious, what changed your mind?