Roasted until well done and more.
Well then RIP
Removing a partner from CA corporation due to lack of contribution and performance
Movie made during 1960-70s about slavery
A whole new meaning to headpiece.
useless and fucking their sister what
What is best to make new TF2 mercenary models?
Asking where do these 4 Scale
I found this from the Fine Bros apology. He’s got a point
Carnivore diet update.
Homebrew Detachment: Infantry Focused
Context: Billie saying "If you give a ugly guy an chance he thinks he rule the world"
Des ramens de qualité ?🍜
I’m sure that man does the knee thing a lot
What advice would you give a 16 year old today?
Posted Signed For on 19 December
She showing off for all to see
Do you guys chain after a storm? Or only during
Nuptese Vests
Would you consider using a service to facilitate or conduct interactions/confrontations in your personal or professional life?
She's so lovely
My all time favorite picture of my little boy
What hairstyle suits me better curly, wavy or straight?
I saw a kitten folowing its mother wherever they went, and I saw myself in it when I was young