Netanyahu for the first time publically states that he's ready for a permanent ceasefire. He achieved none of his goals.
Netanyahu for the first time publically states that he's ready for a permanent ceasefire.
Zionists are wanting to go full Kahane (a zionist terrorist) because their govt had to give into the demands of the resistance, despite committing a genocide
The resistance objectively won its goals and was emboldened, isolation of 'Israel' and the failing of it's hasbara, failing of 'Israel''s goal of dismantling of resistance, no long term plan, let alone victory.
Antisemitische Karikatur vs. antimuslimische Karikatur
Anti-semitic caricature "Happy Merchant" vs. anti-Muslim caricature put out by Charlie Hebdo on 6 Jan 2025.
Zionists are wanting to go full Kahane (a zionist Jewish terrorist) because their govt had to give into the demands of the resistance, despite committing a genocide
Der Widerstand hat seine Ziele objektiv erreicht und wurde gestärkt: die Isolation „Israels“, das Scheitern seiner Hasbara, das Scheitern des Ziels, den Widerstand zu zerschlagen, kein langfristiger Plan, geschweige denn ein Sieg.