Retatrutide alleviates cancer progression
What’s your experience adding NAD+?
NAD+ Dosing
Progress like this makes the side effects worth it 💪
I now know precisely what is meant by delayed gastric emptying…
Very different experience with Reta than Tirz
Dosage help.
Opinions Wanted Plz!!
Soda water?
I Found a Good Guy - but he’s dusty.
Do you recommend GobyMeds? So lost with where is reputable and effective
Side effects
GLP-1's Success Story
"Frankenstein was ugly, too" What are some favorite cheers from your school days?
Just did my first stack.
Cannabis for Seniors: How to Use CBD & THC for Pain Relief, Sleep, and Stress
What to do
Horrible accident on the Sprain Pkway southbound north of Ridge Hill.
Negative comments about weight loss?
NSV-What's that on my face?!
Mounjaro start 11/7/24 lost 15 lbs. 1st month on 2.5mg/Start Comp. Tirz. 12/7/24 @ 2.5-7.5 and haven’t lost anything!!!
puncture sites remaining inflamed and bruised?
Surgery while on Tirz