Just started collecting a few months ago. What are you favorite picks?
have yall realized thrift stores don’t have good CD’s anymore?
What was the first CD you ever purchased?
Please share your trash food cravings
Something I didn't expect being pregnant? All the pregnancy shaming
People are so strange about girls
How can I wear my kittens out?
AITA for kicking my BIL out of my house for the things he said about me?
When did you start to show?
38 weeks pregnant... But my poor husband is tired.
I think my partner is being controlling about food, he thinks I am being negligent
Everything makes me cry
How large were your babies with 6'4+ people
What names do you hear all the time?
This might be my only pregnancy and it keeps making me cry
What food craving has made you cry?
People asking how far along you are- thoughts?
suddenly can’t stomach tooth paste?