I hate that malls are dying in America.
Advisors in college are some of the most useless people I’ve met.
I'm always really shocked when I find out someone doesn't know what a weeder class is
what careers are even valuable and well paid in 2025 and beyond?
Is a career in healthcare in the US really become that bleak?
It’s amazing how bitter and hateful you can become when you’re lonely, have no friends, and no girlfriend.
How can I stop taking things so personally?
Trudeau likely to announce resignation soon…
Anyone else find the entire state of Virginia to be very underrated?
How do people live with 1-2 hour commutes?
Realistically could Canada merge with the US someday?
If your son grows up to be an ugly guy, what advice would you give him dating wise?
If you’re pessimistic about next year, just remember you’re not Justin Trudeau
Why is Hollywood declining?
Does anyone else finally understand anti-immigration viewpoints? Even my Indian friends are pissed right now
What is Hungary like?
Why are Koreans in the US so ultra-Christian.
Losing all ambition in life after being in a relationship with a beautiful, amazing woman.
Are there any jobs where they don't make you drink the kool aid?
Could this person pass off as Egyptian?
Is the Toronto area really that bad and on a decline these days?
Are Ukrainian women actually doing this?
I miss forced proximity with people my age so much.
Nothing puts life into perspective for me more than seeing a very rich/successful person die.
What popular/famous Russian rappers have lost a lot of their popularity/relevancy recently?