What’s your favorite horror movie here?
I have a problem
What’s the oldest movie and/or copy of a movie you own?
What legendary YouTube channel doesn’t make videos anymore? Who do you missed more?
Shoplifter shamed into walking back into Home Depot and returning stolen goods.
First time watching tonight. Have you seen it? Thoughts?
Which movie is this for you?
I'm in my 30s and want kids, but modern dating makes this seem impossible
Never seen a thief interviewed while running away before.
He was literally 1 second away from losing 4 stars in GTA
I Hate Lazy Moviegoers
Questions from a poker beginner
Good thing this guy noticed the uninvited guest before jumping in the front seat.
If you don't reply all, I'm revoking your job offer
Pickpocketing attempt in Italy Metro
Who would you like to see play Patrick Bateman?
In your opinion what's the greatest film of 2013?
In your opinion what's the greatest film of 2019
Have you all seen The Substance yet and what did you think?
Song in the new AfrAId movie?
What has been your number 1 movie of 2024 so far?
Was I kidnapped as a child?
Name a 3hr or longer movie that doesn’t feel lengthy & that you actually enjoy…
Name your favorite film director
The 10 highest rated movies of 2024 with at least 1,000 reviews so far