Being sugarfree is so hard because sugar is in fucking everything.. its driving me nuts.
Why do people avoid having only children?
I get extreme stomach pain after not eating carbs.
What’s your “most attractive car” from each decade?
is it common among ASD people, including when growing up, to "feel sorry" for people for no good reason, and/or to project their own helplessness onto others
Rate my Celica build in Roblox
I feel like I failed after eating a chocolate croissant
What is your trigger food?
Its annoying that i know exactly what i have to do to stop binging but i still binge anyway... and i always do so good during the day.
Its crazy that Gerard has a teenage daughter....
Do you ever wish you were born in a different time?
My friend got a boyfriend... im pouring my heart out on this post.
At what age is your earliest childhood memory? Mine is six months old. I have so many early childhood memories and have been told that it’s quite rare.
How do i stop binge eating?.
Can you do this test and report your score?
I hate having very little family :(
1980s Cars Were Great. Here’s Why
why dont they play the sharpest lives anymore?
What car isn’t daily-able these days?
How to stop feeling guilty for wasting food and why are my thighs getting bigger since i started working out?.
Are there any autistic people who are infamous?
Is the world becoming less autism-friendly?