H: GP PLANS: 8x Accelerated nozzle + 6x Calibrated Capacitor + 6x Gamma Wave + 8x Large Receptacle + 6x Stinging Receptacle + 6x Swift Receptacle W: Offers/4*modboxes/Leaders/BigGuns/SmallGuns/Rare Apparel
H: Modded Gatling Plasmas, W: any Mod, food, or 1 wood
Haloscreed list thoughts
What to do with the points drop?
My reaction to the new detachment
whats a good paint for copper tones?
WTS A&K m16a4
A&K M16a4
WTS highly upgraded m16a4
WTS highly upgraded M16a4
Vanguard or ruststalker squad inside of dune riders?
Debating starting admech
Fix my army
SHC list discussion
Data-psalm & SHC lists
Viable 3-5 is possible now
2K list thoughts
Magnetising Lancer
Which title is the most "prestigious"?
Armiger allies for space marines?
Which Questoris/ load out is the best?
Help with list building
List speculation
Finished up a new Fly Boy