I found this caterpillar with yellow eyes
What's the most musically beautiful song ever?
What do you think is the best D.S. show? (P.S. frick D.S.)
Did you know Mr Simmons is Gay!
Are there modern "classic rock" style bands?
Does the freaking high cost of soda cause anybody else to drink a lot less?
Just wanna say it. I love wings
Buzzard uses small rock to crack open an Emu egg for a meal
I’m at the thrift and wanting to know… what the hell is this? 😂The 41 Year Old Who Knocked up Sarah Marshall And Felt Superbad….
I think this speaks for itself.
Wouldn't have it any other way
Worst / most inappropriate use of a song in a commercial?
A store local to me has a bulk bin of arguably the best Jelly Belly flavor (pear). 😍
Don’t touch my Coke Zero Bobby
Best emo songs by non-emo bands?
Movies that are peaceful with almost no tension
What’s the most well known word that permanently and completely lost its original definition?
What is The Beatle's scariest song? Most upvoted comment gets added
Antique cough syrup - yes, it's real 😄😄
Fav album of the decade so far?
Demos of ILYHB - for FJM Obsessives
Whoever in this group turned me on to the Spicy Potato Taco, thank you x1000!!!!
Maybe a return for both? No ATL date.
has anybody ever reached “band nirvana”, where you return to listening to the most popular songs after the niches, and who?
Sabrina Carpenter needs to stop with the “sexy” double entendre commercials