Do you think this will age well?
thx snapchat for reminding me that 6 yrs ago i got this tattoo that has since aged like milk
Can I do floral background for full sleeve ? Or continuing patching my arm ? Can give me some idea
Best HP cover up ever.
5 years old - flower fineline tattoo
I’m scared
Can I see your sobriety tattoos?!
AITAH for making a joke about my boyfriend in front of his friends and embarrassing him?
Smoking weed before appointment if youre already a regular stoner?
Thinking About Tattoos – But Afraid of Regret?
Would it be offensive?
AITA for telling my female best friend that she’s getting on my nerves
AIO my 37M is attracted to 18 year olds
What's your worst tattoo experience?
Really popular artist who suck
My 7th (healing nicely)
Does my belly button percing look okay?
Your first tattoo? I’m still nervous
Execution is good enough, but this is still shitty and gross.
AITA for not allowing my GF's friends to sleep on our bed?
Should I be worried?
Shitty or no??
WIBTA if I didn’t contribute gas money for car pooling to vacation?
Is This Tattoo Healing Normally?
Getting a full sleeve and full back.