It's time to move on
Sinfest: 1/20/25
What do you miss about old sinfest?
Retrofest 2007-05-18 - Heist 3
Sinfest Volume 1 (2009) - Introduction to the bonus pages
Rock Bottom
Sinfest 1/18/25: Mount Olympus 96
Pettyfest - Good End
Retrofest 2007-05-16 - Heist
Mount Olympus 95, edited to add punctuation and emotion
Pettyfest: Megamind Edit
Nothing ever happens, right?
“It hurt himself in confusion!”
Sinfest 1/17/25: Mount Olympus 95
Sinfest has me acting like a 1st century Christian
Sinfest 1/16/25: Mount Olympus 94
Rules Update 1/15/2025 - Rule #2 Revised and Rule #5 Added
Retrofest 2007-05-13 - Protest 5
Retrofest 2017-11-30: Literary Art 7
I think it's better Tatsuya Ishida should end Sinfest, take a hiatus from webcomics and focus on other things
Retrofest 2007-05-09 - Creepy Psycho Stalker 2
Sinfest 1/15/25: Mount Olympus 93
Sinfest 1/14/25: Mount Olympus 92
Retrofest 2007-05-08 - Creepy Psycho Stalker
Sinfest 1/13/25: Mount Olympus 91