Watched heat ( insert Jim Gaffigan Joke
Twin Peaks: The Return on Sale in AppleTV
Collecting Alan Moore and Mark Schultz
No HDR on Apple TV
The scariest RS song
What Are You Into This Week? | Weekly Thread
Top 3 off Out Of Our Heads (UK)?
What is your weirdest movie watching experience?
Which band or singer did you become a fan of because you heard their song in a movie?
Serious comics with that cartoonish style?
The Grifters or Drugstore Cowboy
F1 Access or Pro? Which one is better in your opinion?
Great Underrated Gene Hackman Performances
I could use some recs!!
Inherent Vice - is the movie any good?
Donnie Darko
Your Mount Rushmore of comic book artists?
Will They Ever Do A Deluxe Edition of Let It Bleed?
Chinatown why so revered ?
Is Pynchon a Postmodernist Critic of Postmodernism?
Did Bolaño read Graham Greene? If he did what did he think of him?
Just finished Jesus' Son by Denis Johnson
Movies like Mallrats?
A similar scene