Colourblind test: If you don’t see the number 7, that means you are colourblind
First time finding one in the wild
chaque élection
A Good-ish 10-State America?
Friend sent me this immediately after I told him I was colorblind. All I see are dots. Petaaaah?
I won the presidency in 2024 with a candidate whose only prior experience was serving as a city council member in a random town in Alaska.
Pourquoi les medias embarque dans la désinformation sur kennedy .
Presidents alignment chart
Add more characters and tell me to move some characters. Plus I'll post every 2 to 3 days on this sub due to some karma farm drama.
Just spent ages on a massive war to change their ethics...
How I think I look vs. How I actually look while defending the KHive
Coaxed into the exoticization of the tropics
Found this on my bathroom’s wall next to my shower. It appeared seemingly overnight.
Characters as type combinationa p9
Characters as type combinationa p8
Fat ass ruining songs now
Conférence sur les jeux vidéo au Québec!
Why was the Birther Conspiracy so prevalent?
I love trends
By all means, explain it to me
is there a way to center text in a text box vertically?
"Anglo-montrealers are the most oppressed minority on the planet" ~ la minorité linguistique la plus privilégiée de la planète
i’m so tired
Why was Obama wearing a tan suit a big controversy?
Wanted to try the comic thing. See if you can guess which each one is meant to be