Should I incorporate traditional poetic structures like iambic pentameter into experimental trap music?
Fruity limiter ?
XANFest 25
Sitting down when recording?
How make stable income with beats selling?
“ BLP freestyle “
BLP freestyle
Who would kill this beat? 😤
This new generation of “rappers” is wack 😂
First ever rapper with cerebral palsy
Which of your songs represents you best as an artist?
This has to be a social experiment
ChatGPT saved my life.
I never really thought that I would hit the upload limit...
Worst I’ve ever had!! Garbage
Just now posted link in comments i do follow 4 follow deop yalls stuff too
That's a problem.
is bro yodeling?
"all I do is pollute the earth with pollutants"
Gucci manes newest signed talent
First time rapping with auto-tune, it is what it is...
I really love you guys
If you don't give feedback, you like furries
Feeling stuck
Not sure if this is the place for this or not
Why do people use audio clips instead of piano roll