Yes, let's hate on the seventeen-year-old who's being manipulated by her mother into thinking her father never loved her and whose father has chosen his bone buddy time and time again over his family. That makes a lot of sense.
How exactly do you make viewers feel bad for Meggy?
I will be a responsible father
We loathed to this Mf who killed Desti in the year 2019
The most hated character is Mineta? Why?
Mineta declares his love
Who had every right to be a villain? (Picture unrelated)
Whatever happened to Meggy?
Mario tells his friends about his payback to SMG3 and SMG4
Just let me know who's the 3rd one
Me trying not to read mha Fan-Fics:
Going from The Last Wish’s art style to this is pretty jarring. I’ll wait for more stuff to come out before I can make a proper judgment though.
Out of all these charcthers who is the most pervert here?
Can please SMG4 come up with original ideas.
The Strikers - Original Superheroes I Created (Warning: Bits of Blood and Cursing Ahead)
Tried to make My OC Superhero Team in Heroforge
is the arc over
I dont even like her shows but like goddamn
Why does Mario hates among us?
Mineta is a violation of Pinterest's guidelines
Which confession do you agree with?
What is the worst thing about MHA?
Pinkie Pie is sniffing you. Why?
What MHA opinion has you in this situation?