1,000 hours outside snark
Why does Rachel speak like a middle schooler who just learned about swear words?
In this outfit, I would never believe she turned 29
How to fill this blank wall above bed and peloton - should I put a small shelf above the nightstand (and elevate the orange vase??) It feels too empty!
Pearl as a first name?
Unique Names Family
AITA for asking my husband to help out?
What baby name is going to be ridiculous as an adult name?
WIBTA for being hurt that I was left out of a wedding put on by my brother-in-law?
"Is this true?"
AITA for telling my daughter to eat healthy before chemo?
This shape is impossible lol
AIO to my boyfriend’s response to my hysterectomy?
Plant mom while pregnant
Did you have gender intuition early in your pregnancy? Were you correct?
When does the vomitting start? Am I in the clear at 6 weeks?
I had a nightmare about accidentally killing a baby, and now I’m terrified of being near any babies
What do you think when you hear the name Stetson?
girls with boy names
[Skin concerns] Eczema cheilitis / Angular cheilitis, ongoing 4 months
Does these potential first names sound dirty?
Early ultrasound showed very little
Anyone here with an international spouse? If so, what language will be spoken in your house?
I found this in a children’s book at Goodwill :(