Pic Request: Just want to see some CTRs!
Any one with an above 24mpg avg?
When Type Rs were underrated
She’s totaled
Close call : prestige 8 calling card challenge BO6
This seriously has to be the most annoying calling card to complete
Worth Buying?
Hit a chook. $26k in damages. 2-3 months in the workshop 😭😭
Been seeing more and more of these 🤨🥸
Treyarch really don’t want people to just farm camos in directed mode
This has to be a record for only 28 rounds lol
Went through a divorce….credit got ruined bought a house fur 1400$
Wrecked on new years😕Totaled?
that one wall weapon that just won't turn orange past round 30
Just wasted around 3 hrs of my life for a Dark Ops and failed
Bought a new intake. Idk why but the bolts wouldn't come out and I stripped them. How screwed am I?
Liberty Falls EE completed Round 2 Solo | Glitchless No Gobblegums | Write up / Tutorial.
Can I buy
Since BO6 Zombies DLC 1 is coming out tomorrow I thought I’d ask before our first new Perk releases. What order do you buy your Perk-A-Colas every game and why?
At what point am I ‘halfway’ to nebula??
Championship white buddy
Hondata tuning
Another one !
What's a 3 letter word that starts with y?