Stealth Black Sanji. Drew the drawing with single pencil.[OC]
Hello guys! Need recommendations.
Planning to gift my girl either of these. Need suggestions, which one looks better on her hand. TIA!
[Kenneth Cole] I got this for my father for his birthday.
[Kenneth Cole] I found this watch very attractive
Guys i know it's KC but hear me out🥹
Power of a Sandblaster Machine
My dad got this for me on a whim🥹😭
Suggest a name for this cutie
Planning to Move Back to India – Advice Needed on Buying an Apartment in Mumbai
31/12 test takers
I gotta find these shoes (help)
Do i need to fill section 4 while requesting for name change on form 182?
What type of paper to use for printing those "aesthetic" posters for decorating the wall ?
Want to move to Mumbai to be with a girl
I have videos explaining usmle step 1 with summarized notes of uworld
Proposal locations - asking my girl to marry me
Complete Uworld step 1 notes and extracting summary of explaination of it
Honest Opinion
How much time will it take to complete MSK and NEURO?
Giannis immortality 4
I got these 1906r recently. Never seen anyone talk about this color but i found them dope. Opinions?
Mumbai sunrise hits different fr.
Can someone tell me why Loop/thiazide diuretics is responsible for both saline resistant and responsive metabolic Alkalosis?