"Four Hands" - Anti-Nazi poster distributed in Europe after D-Day. US Office of War Information. 1944.
Anti-Nazi demonstration in Berlin with a crossed-out swastika flag. 1932.
The Brennan Gyro-Monorail; developed by the Irish-born Australian inventor Louis Brennan (1852–1932). The world's first single-track railcar that never made it past the prototype stage. Brennan demonstrated the monorail at the Japan-British Exhibition in London in 1910.
Luminol (C8H7N3O2) is a chemical that exhibits chemiluminescence, with a blue glow, when mixed with an appropriate oxidizing agent. Forensic investigators use luminol to detect trace amounts of blood at crime scenes, as it reacts with the iron in hemoglobin.
Zofia Posmysz-Piasecka (23 August 1923 – 8 August 2022) was a Polish journalist, novelist, and author. She was a resistance fighter in World War II and survived imprisonment at the Auschwitz and Ravensbrück concentration camps, sent there for distributing anti-Nazi leaflets.
Test of a 1901 bulletproof vest designed by the Polish inventor Casimir Zeglen, in which a 7mm revolver is fired at a man wearing the invention.
Falling dog and cat. 1894. Étienne-Jules Marey (5 March 1830 - 15 May 1904) explored numerous techniques and disciplines, obsessed by one unique concept: movement. The cat was part of Marey’s famous study to prove that the animal always landed on its feet.
The Tao Te Ching(traditional Chinese: 道德經; simplified Chinese: 道德经) or Laozi is a Chinese classic text and foundational work of Taoism. 2nd century BCE, Han Dynasty, unearthed from Mawangdui tomb, Chansha, Hunan Province, China. [453x1000]
March 7, 1938; the German American Bund of New Jersey claims George Washington is the first fascist.
This is the first picture ever uploaded to the internet in 1992. It was taken by IT developer Silvano de Gennaro, the photo is a shot of Les Horrible Cernettes, a comedy band that rocked out nearby Geneva's CERN laboratory from 1992.
Computer store in Tokyo, Japan, 1982. In the foreground is the Matsushita JR-100, an inexpensive machine with 16K of RAM and a rubber keyboard.
Released in 1981, the Osborne 1 is considered to be the first true portable computer - it closes-up for protection and has a carrying handle. It even has an optional battery pack, so it doesn't have to plugged into the 110VAC outlet for power.
I solved the Israel-Palenstine conflict again
I am a loser. But that is okay, and I am happy.
French artillerymen don gas masks and continue to fire during a gas attack. 1916.
Reddit is an American social news aggregation, content rating, and forum social network. Registered users (commonly referred to as "Redditors") submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down ("upvoted" or "downvoted") by other members.
British soldiers demonstrate a periscope and its uses. 1914-1918.
Romanian cavalry in the snow, note a white dog following too. 1916.
American submarine heading down a canal. 1917.
The Camp of the Saints is a 1973 French dystopian fiction novel by author and explorer Jean Raspail. A speculative fictional account, it depicts the destruction of Western civilization through Third World mass immigration to France and the Western world.
"Me at the zoo" is a YouTube video uploaded on April 23, 2005, recognized as the first video uploaded to the platform.
1970s protest against racism; an "Anti Nazi League" sign is visible in the background.
Tom Stoddart, A man walks off with a starving child's maize, Sudan January 1998.
reddit is rebranding to israel.
Design history of the video player used by YouTube. Each layout generation might have gone through minor undocumented iterations, and that appearance may vary with embedding parameters.