How many diamonds would you pay for this?
God Pack!!
Bought plates so I can display the settings for my WiFi as a QR code, made of Lego
took me eleven years to finish my house but i am extremely proud of it
Desde quando tem esse altar?
Thais is fake?
my first ever farm, started on may 5 and reached perfection on year 7 (currently on year 11 with arround 350 hours played)
meu simulador de fazenda favorito: habbo hotel ❤️
Please share a photo of your cat that makes you happy they exist
uma das únicas vezes que vemos o Gunther fora da biblioteca
Hoenn in Minecraft (x-post gaming, with map download link!)
User with 980k in less than a year
20k artists experienced! have I listened to your faves?
year 10 standart farm, reached perfection on year 7 (first playthrough)
Fazenda entre rios
rm venusaur with unobtainable ribbons (pomeg & void glitch)
Will the shiny sprite show up on this screen?
Qual a melhor plataforma para jogar stardew valley?
i guess i'll never be able to get all the achievements in this game
i have more storage room than items to storage lmao
What was the first shiny you've ever encountered? What is your story with it?
i had to wait till YEAR TEN to get this one hat (1.6 spoilers)
usei vpn depois de dois dias sem usar o twitter e me arrependi no primeiro minuto
i think i got the highest speed possible