Is wanting to be cute as opposed to hot or sultry wrong as a 30 year old
Looking for 3sum
AITA for not supporting my brother's decision to move in with his girlfriend after only 3 months of dating?
Why do some Black people choose such distinctive names for their children?
How do i convince my dad?
I've been living with the pain of knowing about this SUPER extra gap for months now. Thought you guys should know. Triggers my OCD. Only happens with consumables.
AIO over my boyfriend stubbing his toe?
Can you guess my BMI based on what’s in my fridge?h
The Mahomes kids names are: Sterling, Bronze and now Golden. Their dogs are Silver and Steel 🥴
Share a fridge with three other people. What does my pantry say about me
[female] Good night!
I killed my dog.
How can I make my female roommate feel more comfortable?
How difficult is it to replace an alternator?
Does anyone else take off their shirt when they poop
confused if i’m misdiagnosed or not
I can’t be the only one who has a massive crush on her
Songs where women SCREAM.
AIO about grandmas shoes on the carpet?
WIBTA for bringing a treat instead of gifts for the holiday?
No bias who do you think is better looking?
If modern medicine didn’t exist would you be dead right now? If yes, from what?
If you permanently swapped bodies with someone else, who would you want it to be?
What does my fridge say about me?
How to organize many spices?