Which team wins and why?
What's with these Jinwoo post lately anyway? Did the second season really brought back jinwoo hype?
With the recent posts when these 2 encountered, who wins in aura battle?
The Herta Rating Pistol Score
E0S1 Tribbie & E0S1 The Herta & E0S0 Argenti 0 Cycle
Who wins the free for all
Is this a good example/representation of Speed blitzing? (SL S2 ep 2)
Goku runs the classic matchups gauntlet, where does he stop?
Novel Suho runs the gauntlet, where does he stop?
Ichigo vs Goku (Equal Stats)
Best aura farmer in fiction?
I’d choose leveling system.
Light Novel characters vs Manga characters who wins?
The duality of the Gokutard
[Meme] Maybe when Latna/Sword King drops it'll be different
[Sauce] What are the manhwas that fits this meme ?
Is this true?
Who's Winning? Equal stats
Who wins?
A Gacha Outfit rival founded.
How many espada if any can Anime Only SJW beat?1 fight after another,starts fresh after each match with the addition of whoever he beats if any.Starts at 10 and works down.
Who would win ?
Like... what wincon does Goku have???
Name the best anime song other than Unravel
[Anime Corner] Top 10 Most Anticipated Anime of the Season (1st place) + Top 10 Anime of the Week (3rd place)