Glock 43x Mos
27yo, 62.4k net income, what do I do?
General consensus
Well it's almost done! Maxim stock added!
AcroP2 on 43x
Loving this thing so far, but getting impatient with the lack of quality holsters for the XSC.
1st Pair of SB’s
Why are these sitting?
My Setup at night <3
Speed Test results for Visible where I'm at in Central Florida
20M don’t have anyone to share this to but just hit 5k
$1100 Dealership Fees
GTR vs Mustang GT
Why do people dislike Wells Fargo?
Refund issued !
Any Non Pathers Still Waiting?
What do you keep for cash on hand?
Big Win at Chumba Casino!!
Guys, woke up to this and I absolutely need to get somewhere how safe is it to drive?
First PC Build 🤤
My reception of the day 🥰