we did it reddit!!!
Hi, im here to demand you: A POST WITH NORMAL WORDS
Losercity Self-Improvement
new refresher coming i think
wjo would win in this war
chesterfield & west henrico rn
still have to come into work? contract the plague!
friend has some general questions about her gec!
what is this belt/harness thing? made of black faux leather, around 3ft wide. found at a thrift store near a bunch of other belts
comments on artemy's original voice clips
am i on to something? they lowkey correspond
Drug rule
Advertising! By @Panicawa
mouthwashing got into the finalist for steams "Outstanding Story-Rich Game Award" !!!
lads what do i name them
furry seller guy 😢😢
officially 2 months on hr(ule)t
Jimmy wants his goodnight kiss
i drew my peast, valor!! (they/it)
100 extra bones guy
jimmy's surname. I want to pull up his full government name for hating on him. I want to hate him at the fullest, name and surname and all. let's figure it out please.
i dont think i can bring myself to finish this
I’m just going to say it: Jimmy is not as ugly as the fandom tries to make him