Diving Africa in January?
Destination to do open water and for an experienced diver?
Where to go for 8 days that isn’t the usual?
Switch from tier 2 to dependant visa
Estate agent says I should use their solicitors
Boris Johnson blocks no confidence vote in his own government tomorrow.
Has anyone ever had any bad experiences with financial advisers?
21,616 community cases of Covid-19 were reported today, 960 hospital and 22 in ICU or HDU.
Sir Geoffrey Palmer on Wellington protests
Advice for Neil Island (Andamans, India)
Wellington Protest: Day Six Thread - Soggier Sunday
Tourists! Visitors! International students! People with quick questions! This is your thread; post your questions here.
Daily Q&A and Discussion Megathread - August 08, 2021
Transfer large amount of USD to GBP
Driver stops train, demands racist passenger get off
Simple yet delicious vegetable, potato, and tofu soup. Only 151 calories! Tastes 100 x better than it looks. Perfect for the cold season!
Receding gums
When do you find it appropriate to put down a book you really aren't that into?
Achievements for Sunday, October 28, 2018
Help! On my last tray but can't get in to see my orthodontist for another 4 weeks
Has anyone quit before completely finishing?
Profile Review - Week of August 28, 2018
B&A: 2 years, 8 extractions, 52 trays (biweekly changes), a crap ton of attachments, and a small fortune later
Singles of Reddit, what's your biggest dating struggle right now?
Stains between teeth